The following information is provided in the Skype for Business Conferences Dashboard page:
- Skype for Business Key Metrics
- Users gauge displays:
o Skype for Business Target conference users
o Skype for Business Enabled conference users
o Skype for Business Active conference users
To be considered active, the user must have joined an audio conference using Skype for Business.
- The Users Chart displays over a period of time the:
o Skype for Business Target conference users
o Skype for Business Enabled conference users
o Skype for Business Active conference users
o Skype for Business Conference organizers
- Content Sharing Chart displays the percentage of Skype for Business conferences, in which users shared content or applications.
- Conference Minutes Chart enables comparison of the total Skype for Business conference minutes to the total legacy conferencing minutes, over a period of time.
- Conferences Chart displays the total number of Skype for Business conferences compared to the total legacy conferencing solution, over a period of time.