Skype for Business Conferences Page


The Skype for Business Conferences dashboard page of the Executive dashboard provides an overview of the Target, Enabled and Active Users of your Skype for Business installation. The dashboard enables you to compare conferencing minutes with legacy minutes and the number of conferences with the number of legacy conferences. Additionally the dashboard displays the number of Organizers, Conference Minutes, Number of Conferences, and the percentage of conferences in which content was shared. The tracking of the information on the Conferences dashboard page allows:


-     Ability to identify, when the legacy conferencing solution can start to be decommissioned.


-     Comparison of legacy conferencing solutions usage ideally trending down, with Skype for Business conferencing usage trending up


-     Ability to understand, the additional value of Skype for Business including:


-     Providing content and application sharing information.


-     Tracking the percentage of users within the enterprise that are scheduling conferences.

The higher the percentage of users scheduling conferences, the higher the user acceptance of using Skype for Business.



Legacy data is only displayed when the Month Time Period is selected. Legacy data is not displayed when the Week Time Period is selected.