

Settings information for each vendor can be found in the individual vendor’s documentation. Settings are added to a Feature Configuration using the Feature Configuration wizard, and these settings will be applied to devices to control their behavior. A Feature Configuration must contain at least one setting.


A setting is used to set the language for the screen display of the device.


Each individual Feature Configuration setting contains:

-     Name of the vendor (manufacturer) of the devices that the setting will apply to Example: Yealink

-     Setting name that identifies the setting. Example: language

-     A setting value. Example: French


Devices may have inherited settings and have settings applied to them from Feature Configurations.


Cordant Company has applied Feature Configurations to the North America Scope. One of the Feature Configurations includes setting the display language of the devices in North America Scope to English. The office in Montreal, Canada requests their devices display be set to French. The Montreal devices currently inherit English as the device language, as they are part of North America Scope. To overwrite the inherited North America setting, a Feature Configuration with the setting for the language to be French for devices, is applied to the Scope Montreal. The directly applied setting for French applied to the Montreal Scope, overwrites the inherited setting of English in the Montreal devices. All other settings that are inherited from the North America scope, except the language setting, which was overwritten, will remain as settings for Montreal.



    As the Global Scope represents all of the devices within your organization, it therefore does not inherit any Feature Configurations.