Add a Scope


To add a scope:


1.  Enter the name of the scope in the name field.


2.  Enter the tags (or select from the suggested tags).


3.  Select what this Scope contains, between Teams or Users.


4.    Select scope type of Static or Adaptive:

Static Scope: Under this approach you can select members (teams or users) manually from the search/drop down input field

Adaptive Scope: When Adaptive Scope is selected, you can use the configuration filter based on the properties relevant to the goal you want to achieve by filtering out members (users or teams). When the filters are selected, the members tab (stating users or teams) will automatically refresh the member count with that filter.

5.  Team scopes can reference User Scopes by defining that these user scope members are team owners or team members.


6.  Optional: Enter a description of the Scope.