Viewing Information Tab Details


To view information on a Feature Configuration, select the Information tab at the top of a Feature Configuration details pane. The following will be displayed:





The vendor identifies the manufacturer of the devices that the Feature Configuration will apply to. When creating a Feature Configuration a vendor is assigned. Feature Configurations can only be applied to devices from one vendor.


The name that a user has assigned to identify the Feature Configuration.


Identifies the use of a Feature Configuration. The category is user-assigned and is used for filtering in the Manage Features page.


Language, security, user authentication etc.

Created by

Identifies the user that created the Feature Configuration. It is assigned automatically by PowerSuite, and cannot be changed by the user.


Specifies the date when the Feature Configuration was created. It is assigned automatically by PowerSuite, and cannot be changed by the user.

Modified by

Identifies the user that last modified the Feature Configuration. It is assigned automatically by PowerSuite, and cannot be changed by the user.

Last Modified

Specifies the date when the Feature Configuration was last modified. It is assigned automatically by PowerSuite, and cannot be changed by the user.


The text a user has added to describe the Feature Configuration’s intended use.


Sets the device language to Spanish