The Features Explorer tab is used to navigate the scopes set up for your organization. This page enables you to review and edit the Feature Configurations applied to each scope.
To view a scope:
1. Navigate to the Explorer page.
2. Use the dropdown list at the top of the Explorer Page, to choose the scope you wish to view. The options are Global, Geography, or Vendor/Model. The default scope is Global.
If Global is selected no other drop-down list is displayed.
3. If Geography or Vendor/Model is selected as the current scope, an additional dropdown list is displayed. Use this dropdown list displayed on the right to view the:
- Geography hierarchy for the Geography scope.
- Vendors and models for the Vendor/Model scope
The scope that is selected will remain selected, until the selection is changed.
If you select scope Vendor/Model VVX 201, and you navigate to a different PowerSuite dashboard, and then navigate back to the Features Explorer page, the selected scope will remain as Vendor/Model: VVX 201.