

Scopes are used to filter and select devices. When a Scope is selected in the PowerSuite Device Management Devices page, a list of the devices that are associated with the selected Scope is displayed. If you select a Scope within the Vendor/Model drop down menu (example: Poly), all the devices within the organization that are associated to that Vendor and/or Model will be displayed. If a Scope is selected from the Geography drop down menu (example: Austria) all devices installed within the selected location or any of sites within the geography selection (example: Vienna site) will be displayed.



Feature Configurations are assigned to Scopes. All the Feature Configurations assigned to a Scope will be applied to every device within the assigned Scope.



Feature Configurations assigned to the Geography Scope France will be applied to all the devices installed in any site in France.

Feature Configurations assigned to the Vendor/Model Scope Poly will be applied to every installed device manufactured by Poly within your organization.